What are the Average SAT Subject Scores?
Enough changes have been made to the SAT tests that it can be hard to know what to do to prepare. In addition to the standard test, you can take SAT Subject Tests to show off your skills in the specific areas where you shine. You may want to know what the average SAT Subject Test scores are so you can see how you fare on practice tests and know how much studying is required for you to stand out from the crowd with an SAT Subject Test score that is significantly better than average.
In addition to comparing your SAT Subject Test scores, (or practice test scores) against the national average you may want to compare your scores to the average scores for the colleges you are applying to. Every college or university has its own SAT average test scores for students that are admitted. Ivy League schools tend to have higher averages than public universities. You can look into each school you are considering, and keep in mind that if you want to receive scholarships, you will want to aim quite a big higher than an average score; however, the average scores at universities will give you an idea of how you may need to score to be considered for admission.
According to the College Board the average literature score on the SAT for "2014 college-bound seniors" was 619. The average for United States History was 643, and the World History average score came in a little lower at 626. Mathematics Level One had an average score of 621, and Mathematics Level Two had a higher average score of 691. In the sciences, the average scores were 665 for physics, 668 for chemistry, 653 for molecular biology and 624 for ecological biology. Not all students are tested on all subjects, so be sure to compare your scores for the specific subjects you are tested on.
For information on quality study tools and tips for raising your scores, in the standard test or the subject tests please contact us.