The [W]hole Story: Donut Underestimate the Power of Practice

Grafton High School in Wisconsin has used Method Test Prep’s online program with its students, and has a real success story to share! This year alone, just under 200 Grafton High School students have answered a cumulative 80,000 questions within Method Test Prep’s online ACT prep program––an astounding figure.
When I asked school counselor Rosalyn Isbell and College & Career Instructional Specialist Elizabeth Mintie how their school had achieved such great usage of the program, Rosalyn replied, “We have been running contests for a ‘free breakfast’ based on the number of questions/tasks students have completed (we are currently on our 3rd round––students need to complete 400 questions by 2/21). We have been giving out a lot of donuts!”
When I followed up with Elizabeth, she elaborated on Grafton's process of implementing and using MTP’s online program with her students.
- All juniors took the full-length practice ACT during a school day last October.
- Shortly after that, all juniors attended an assembly that provided information on what their scores meant, what scores are typically needed for certain colleges/scholarships/educational programs, how a good ACT score can help even if they aren't going straight to a four-year college, and more. Counselors also introduced the MTP checklist and resources at this time. Finally, a senior shared his story on how he raised his score after being shocked by a low score on his first attempt at the ACT.
- Junior English teachers took time in class to have their students evaluate their ACT practice scores and set goals for their February statewide ACT test.
- Teachers used MTP quizzes and resources in class for practice when it supported the content they were teaching.
- In December, January, and February, the school started a "breakfast challenge", whereby students who completed a certain number of questions would be awarded donuts and a hot chocolate bar. The school spread the word through flyers, emails, word of mouth, and announcements. The program has been a big hit; counselors and administrators alike have been surprised by just how badly students want their donuts and hot chocolate!
Elizabeth went on to say the following.
Although the breakfast challenge is the most popular part of our approach, I really think the time we spent in October administering the full-length practice test, helping students understand what their scores can do for them, and having them set goals for February was critical for motivating them to take time to prep.
Elizabeth Mintie
College and Career Instructional Specialist
Grafton School District
We can all learn from schools like Grafton High, and can share our experiences to help students at other schools further engage with Method Test Prep. If your school has a process for implementing Method Test Prep that you would like to share, please contact me at