Schools Make Contingency Plans in the Event of Closures

For years, schools have turned to online learning tools when it has become necessary to close for any reason. The recent spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus has made it clear that schools must have robust plans in place to accommodate students during extended closures. Fortunately, as internet connectivity improves across the country, creating a robust contingency plan has become more realistic. Method Test Prep can serve as an integral part of that plan.
For the last 20 years, schools and families have used Method Test Prep’s web-based program to enable their students to learn grammar, reading comprehension strategies, and math concepts from home. Students can listen to an instructor walk them through the lesson, practice related questions, and watch video explanations that not only address the questions at hand but also present strategies for approaching similar questions. Students also take grammar, math, and reading diagnostic tests, and can use the program to improve their vocabulary. Teachers and schools can easily monitor which students are completing the work, how the students are performing, and which skills and questions are giving students the most trouble. Teachers can also select questions they want students to practice and can easily assign practice sets to any groups of students they choose. For students taking the ACT and SAT, the program provides students with a simple, comprehensive checklist of tasks that highlight the skills and knowledge essential for success. The program also provides full-length, timed exams to help students develop familiarity and stamina.
In addition to our web-based program, Method Test Prep offers live online classes that teach students grammar, math, and reading comprehension strategies that prepare them for the ACT and SAT. Finally, we offer schools the option of holding custom classes designed to accommodate their students in particular.
For more information about how Method Test Prep could help, give us a call at 1-877-871-PREP, leave us a note here, or visit us at