MTP At WSCA 2018

Madison, WI, February 2018
For the better part of the last decade, the annual Wisconsin School Counselor Association (WSCA) conference in Madison, Wisconsin, has held a special place in Method Test Prep’s (MTP’s) collective heart.
The 2018 conference marked not only the sixth year of MTP’s attendance, but also the sixth year in which MTP has presented an annual scholarship to four deserving high school seniors, co-sponsored by our partners at Xello (formerly Career Cruising). Congratulations to Molly Thorne of Mishicot HS, Eva Schrank of River Falls HS, Jessica Lange of Stevens Point Area HS, and Heaven Lucas of Muskego HS!
WSCA’s inclusive nature has made it one of the best state-level conferences we’ve had the pleasure of attending. Participation is robust, and the conference’s attendees are extremely dedicated and engaged. With the help of our partners at Xello, MTP has made notable strides in Wisconsin over the last two years: we now proudly provide web-based ACT prep to over 125 schools in the state.
Over the course of our two days in Madison, MTP Account Executive Kyle Henriksen and I manned our table, accompanied by Max the therapy dog, our new best buddy.
Max was, without a doubt, the most popular conference attendee. Together, we spent most of our time reconnecting with current clients and meeting counselors whose schools are considering using our program. This year, as in all years past, we formed new connections that we hope will turn into long-standing relationships.
Especially noticeable was the uptick in the traffic of counselors who were well versed in our program. It became clear that the vastly growing usage and adoption of our program by Wisconsin schools is translating to widespread awareness of the program among school counselors, not just among students and teachers. We are proud to say that the feedback we received was overwhelmingly positive.
On the main day of the conference, Kyle gave a sectional presentation about the emergence of online learning. Those who attended engaged in thoughtful discussion about web-based education. Because MTP straddles the worlds of physical and virtual classrooms, we feel our perspective sheds light on the sometimes complex relationship between the two. Our message: those who are willing to harness the power of online learning will be well prepared to adapt to the changes coming to education.
The trip to Madison is one I look forward to every year, and this year certainly didn’t disappoint. Having attended college in the Midwest, I appreciate the welcoming nature and collaborative values of the people of Wisconsin, especially those who attend the conference each year. WSCA is a shining example of how a state-level conference comes together. We look forward to many more years of partnership with its members, who make MTP feel right at home.