When and how to register for the SAT or ACT

The 2011-2012 SAT's and ACT's are right around the corner. Make sure you sign up early enough for the test you want to take so you don't have to pay late registration fees. It's also a good time to think about when to take the exam. If you're a Junior, you have more flexibility in terms of when to take the test. Most seniors already plan on taking the test(s) this fall. There is no 'better' time to take the test, you should take it when you are ready but also be aware that certain services are only available for certain test administrations.
For example, if you plan on taking the SAT more than once or even if you just want to know how you did, it is a good idea to purchase the Question and Answer Service. The Q & A service is only available for the October, January and May SAT's however. This service costs $18 and allows you get a copy of your SAT test so you can see what problems you got wrong. It is an invaluable tool to diagnose your weaknesses so you can perform better on the next round, should you decide to take the test again. More details can be found on the Collegeboard's website:http://sat.collegeboard.org/scores/verify-sat-scores
It's OK to order the Q & A service after you take the test in October, January or May but you only have up to 5 months after the test to order it. It's best to order the Q & A service when you register for the SAT if you are taking it in October, January or May, that way you can get it as soon as it is released (which can take up to 6-8 weeks after the test). More info can be found here: http://sat.collegeboard.org/scores/verify-sat-scores
Regular registration for the SAT costs $49 and late registration is $75. The next SAT is on October 1, 2011. The regular registration deadline for the October 2011 SAT is September 9, 2011 and the late registration date is September 21, 2011. The SAT is also given on Saturdays on November 5, 2011, December 3, 2011, January 28, 2012, March 10, 2011, May 5, 2011 and June 2, 2011. For more registration information, visit The Collegeboard's website: http://sat.collegeboard.org/register
Many students take the ACT in addition to the SAT. It's a good idea to take the ACT right after you take the SAT so you don't lose momentum and everything is still fresh in your mind. The ACT also has something similar to the SAT's Q & A service; they call their service the Test Information Release (TIR) and you can order it for an additional $19. TIR is only available for Saturday ACT tests in December 2011, April 2012 and June 2012. For non-Saturday ACT administrations it is only available for the April 2012 administrations. More information can be found on the ACT website: http://www.actstudent.org/scores/release.html
Regular registration for the ACT (no writing) costs $34, the ACT with writing costs $49.50 and late registration will tack on $21 for each test date. Sign up early to avoid the late fee! The next ACT is October 22, 2011; the regular ACT deadline for October 2011 is September 16, 2011 and the last day for regular registration for the October 2011 ACT is September 30, 2011. The ACT is also given on Saturdays on December 10, 2011, February 11, 2012, April 14, 2012, and June 9, 2012
For more information on future ACT test dates, visit the ACT website: http://www.actstudent.org/regist/dates.html
If you have any questions about when to take the SAT or ACT and are already a student with MTP, don't hesitate to ask your tutor! Good luck!