What You Need to Know to Ace the ACT Science Section

Sometimes, science is just hard. You look at a chart, and the data blurs together in your mind. You read a scientific passage, and the strange terminology distracts you from understanding what you are reading. There is a reason science is one of the most feared topics in school. Unfortunately, this also extends to science sections and questions on college preparatory exams.
Luckily, science facts are not the focus of these exams. They focus on comprehending graphs, drawing conclusions from data, understanding the scientific method, and reading in a scientific context. So, with the new SAT adding more of these types of questions, here is what anybody worried about their science comprehension skills needs to know when choosing between the ACT or the new SAT.
The new SAT spreads the science questions out. Instead of dedicating one entire section to the dreaded subject of science, the new SAT will spread out the questions among the already existing math and reading sections. You will need to decide if this will disrupt your test-taking flow or if it will help lessen the impact of tough science questions on your overall score.
The ACT features an entire section of science. If you want to plow through the science all at once, just like when you rip off a Band-Aid, then take the ACT. It packs all the science into one section. You may get a low score on the science section, but at least you will have your higher scores from the other subjects to display with it. High scores from the English, Reading and Math sections will counteract the effects on your overall ACT score.
No matter which exam you decide to take, Method Test Prep is ready to help you prepare for the science and every other part of the exam. Please contact us to begin studying today.