Three Tips for Surviving College

Many students say that college is a lot harder than they ever thought possible. They might struggle with their grades more than they ever did in high school. They might spend a lot of late nights and weekends studying. They might hate to admit it to anyone but college can be difficult.
Here are three tips to surviving college.
1) Make learning a priority. Many college students dream about the college parties and girls (or boys). However, you are there to get an education. Be sure to go to class and pay attention. Do you really have that much money to waste on partying?
2)Get organized. You are going to have to deal with a lot of different classes, assignments, and other dates when you are in college so you are going to have to get organized right away. Get a calendar from the beginning to help you remember when you have classes and when different assignments are due. No one is going to help you remember to hand in your work. No one is going to make you show up for class. It is going to be your responsibility.
3) Get help if needed. If you need help with your studies, ask for a tutor. Don’t wait until it is too late. If you are having trouble adjusting to college, look for counseling. Do not let the fact that you are ashamed of being homesick keep you from enjoying your college years.
College, though fun, is a time for learning. It is important to make learning a priority. If you start to fall behind, you really need to get help (and quickly). Do not waste your time and money. You should also get organized so you don’t fall behind on your assignments. The faster you get organized, the better off you will be.
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