January Spotlight—Todd Winch, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction at Levittown Public Schools

Method Test Prep Spotlight seeks to highlight MTP clients, friends, and acquaintances who are doing amazing things in education. For each installment of the Spotlight, we will select a dedicated individual or organization to profile, and will then interview the awardee to share their story. Through the Spotlight, we hope to develop a bank of successful experiences and practices for other schools and educators to learn from.
For this year’s inaugural Spotlight, MTP is highlighting a district-level administrator for the first time. A former social studies teacher, Todd Winch is now the Assistant Superintendent for Instruction at Levittown Public Schools. One of his priorities is to ensure Levittown’s students are informed about the wide array of post-high school options, including not only two- and four-year colleges but also vocational schools. As the hub of its community, Levittown High School prides itself on providing highly regarded public schools, summer learning programs, and other educational opportunities. As Todd explains, "We take the responsibility of impacting kids and families positively very seriously.”
To raise awareness of post-secondary options and foster a college-going culture, the district has implemented college workshops starting in middle school. As early as sixth grade, educators begin discussing college formally, encouraging students and their parents to ease into the research and application process. Todd credits the workshops as one of the district’s most impactful initiatives; by providing Levittown’s families more time to learn about and plan for college, the discussions significantly reduce the stress normally associated with applications.
Todd likewise cites Method Test Prep’s in-school SAT prep classes as an important source of college-focused success. He explains that the district struggled for years to provide effective in-house SAT classes; the decision to partner with MTP to offer SAT prep has made the effort much more efficient and successful. Todd says that messaging parents is key to building demand for the classes. In turn, he has recruited the help of Levittown High School’s PTA, noting that “the PTA has been an enormous help” in achieving robust course enrollment. He praises MTP’s concern for student success as key to the administration’s buy-in. According to Todd, his colleagues recognize that “you can rely on Method like nobody else.” It’s music to our ears and motivation to work even harder to deliver excellence.
We admire Todd and his team’s dedication to the Levittown community, and we know the families benefit immensely from the district’s work. Todd's story demonstrates just how significant an impact administrators can have on their districts; his willingness to act boldly and make practical decisions has paid dividends for Levittown Public Schools and its students. We're thankful for Todd's support of MTP and look forward to continuing our hard work in support of the trust that he and his community put in our organization.
More About Todd:
Q: What do you enjoy most about your job?
A: As an educator, the most powerful thing is seeing that you helped a kid learn something. No longer being in the classroom, I feel a bit removed from that on a day-to-day basis now, but I know I'm able to help more people from my current position, and that's gratifying.
Q: Do you have any hobbies?
A: I like to garden.
Q: How do you like to spend your summers or vacation time?
A: I Love going to Disney World with my 17- and 13-year-old girls.
Thanks again to Todd Winch and Levittown Public Schools for being a shining example of great things happening in education!
If you would like to nominate an individual or organization working with MTP to be considered for a Spotlight Award, please send an email to support@methodtestprep.com with the subject line Spotlight. Please also share this story with people in education as well as with parents and other interested parties!