Make the Most of Online Test Prep - Podcast



It's no secret: today's students have more access than ever before to high quality digital ACT and SAT prep tools. So why aren’t everyone’s scores skyrocketing? Method Test Prep founder and President Tom Ehlers was recently invited to join the Tests and the Rest: College Admissions Industry Podcast with hosts Mike Bergin and Amy Seeley. Listen as they discuss Method Test Prep and the ways parents, students, and educators can make the most of online test prep.

Here are five things discussed in this episode:

  1. What are the different forms of online prep?
  2. What are the benefits of self-paced digital prep and who best benefits from it?
  3. What features make the best self-paced digital prep tools?
  4. How can students make the most of self-paced online prep?
  5. How can educators help students make the most of self-paced online prep?


Learn more about Method Test Prep and our ONLINE ACT and SAT prep classes available now!

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