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A 3 Part Series on the 3 E's for Writing an Effective & Standout College Essay.                        Part One - Envision.

Written by Dr. Jessica Ruzicka | Jun 11, 2024

As a high school junior, the college application process is just around the corner, and one of the most critical components is the college essay. This essay is your opportunity to showcase your personality, experiences, and writing skills to admissions officers. It's your chance to stand out from the thousands of other applicants. However, the process of crafting a compelling essay can seem daunting. Where do you start? How do you ensure your essay is memorable and impactful? In this blog, we’ll provide you with practical tips and tricks to help you write a standout college essay that will make a lasting impression on admissions officers. Whether you're just beginning to brainstorm or are in the final stages of editing, these strategies will guide you in creating an essay that truly reflects who you are and what you have to offer.

Writing a college essay isn't just about ticking a box in your application process; instead, it is about telling your story in a way that resonates with the reader. It is about demonstrating your unique perspective, your passions, and your resilience. A well-written essay can reveal your critical thinking skills, your ability to reflect on experiences, and your readiness for the challenges of college life. By following the tips and strategies outlined in this blog, you will be equipped to write an essay that not only meets the criteria set by admissions committees but also showcases your individuality and potential. So, let's explore how you can craft an essay that stands out and makes a compelling case for your admission.

Step One: Understand the Prompt

Before you start writing, make sure you thoroughly understand the essay prompt. Colleges typically provide specific prompts to guide your writing. Take the time to read and analyze the prompt, and ensure you know what it’s asking for. Are they looking for a story about a challenge you have overcome, an important personal growth experience, or a time when you made a difference in your community? Understanding the exact nature of the prompt is crucial because it will shape the direction and focus of your essay. Misinterpreting or not fully addressing the prompt can weaken your application. Spend some time reflecting on how your experiences align with the prompt’s requirements and think about what unique perspective you can bring to your essay.

It also helps you to consider the underlying questions it might be posing about your character, values, and aspirations. Prompts often have a deeper meaning beyond their surface level, aiming to gauge your critical thinking, self-awareness, and ability to reflect. For example, a prompt asking about a challenge you have faced is not just about the challenge itself but also about how you handled it, what you learned, and how it influenced your growth. By looking at the prompt and considering its broader scope, you can craft a more tailored and insightful response. This deeper understanding ensures that your essay not only addresses the prompt directly but also provides an overall view of your personality and potential.

Step Two: Brainstorm Ideas

Once you understand the prompt, brainstorm potential topics. Think about significant experiences, achievements, or moments that have shaped who you are. Don’t limit yourself during this stage—write down any idea that comes to mind. Later, you can evaluate which topic best answers the prompt and allows you to highlight your strengths and unique qualities.

This brainstorming phase is crucial because it helps you uncover the stories and experiences that truly define you. Consider asking yourself questions like: What accomplishments am I most proud of? What challenges have I faced and overcome? What events or people have significantly influenced my life? Jot down your thoughts and memories, and don't worry about how they fit together just yet. This is about exploring the depth and breadth of your experiences to find the most compelling story to tell.

Reflect on Personal Experiences - Start by reflecting on significant moments in your life. Think about experiences that have shaped your character, influenced your beliefs, or changed your perspective. Consider events that made you feel proud, challenged, or enlightened. Jot down these moments without worrying about their relevance or how well they fit a prompt—just get your thoughts on paper.

Make a List of Values and Beliefs - Identify your core values and beliefs. What principles guide your actions and decisions? How have these values been tested or reinforced through your experiences? Listing these values can help you find stories that illustrate who you are and what you stand for, providing a strong foundation for your essay.

Use Prompts to Spark Ideas - Review common college essay prompts, even those not specific to the schools you’re applying to. Prompts often cover themes like personal growth, challenges, achievements, and identity. Use these prompts as a starting point to generate ideas. Ask yourself how you would respond to each prompt and what stories come to mind.

Free Writing - Set a timer for 10-15 minutes and write continuously about any topic that comes to mind related to your college essay. Don’t worry about grammar, structure, or relevance. Free writing can help uncover hidden ideas and spark new thoughts. Afterwards, review what you’ve written to see if any themes or stories stand out.

Talk to Friends and Family - Sometimes, others can see patterns and strengths in our experiences that we might overlook. Talk to friends, family members, or teachers about your college essay. Ask them what they think are your most defining characteristics or memorable experiences. Their insights can provide a fresh perspective and help you identify compelling stories to share.

Create a Mind Map - A mind map is a visual brainstorming tool that helps organize ideas around a central theme. Start with a central idea, such as “College Essay,” and branch out into subtopics like “Challenges,” “Achievements,” “Values,” and “Passions.” From each subtopic, branch out further into specific experiences or stories. This technique can help you visually organize your thoughts and identify connections between different ideas.

Consider Extracurricular Activities and Hobbies - Think about your involvement in extracurricular activities, sports, clubs, or hobbies. How have these activities influenced your personal growth or shaped your identity? Stories from these areas can highlight your passions, dedication, and unique experiences, providing rich material for your essay.

Reflect on Academic Interests - Consider your favorite subjects and academic interests. Why do you find these areas compelling? Have you had any significant projects, research, or experiences related to these interests? Academic-related stories can demonstrate your intellectual curiosity and commitment to learning.

Look at Past Writing - Review any personal statements, journal entries, or reflective essays you’ve written in the past. These documents can serve as a source of inspiration and may contain ideas or themes worth exploring further in your college essay.

Think About Future Goals - Consider your aspirations and how they relate to your past experiences. How have your experiences prepared you for your future goals? What do you hope to achieve in college and beyond? Linking past experiences to future aspirations can create a cohesive and forward-looking essay.

Step Three: Choose a Unique Angle

Admissions officers read thousands of essays, so it’s essential to choose a unique angle for your story. Reflect on what makes you different from other applicants. It could be a unique hobby, an unusual family tradition, or a distinctive aspect of your background. Aim to present yourself in a way that is memorable and showcases your individuality. Think about the qualities and experiences that set you apart. For instance, maybe you’ve spent years developing a niche skill, like beekeeping, or you have traveled extensively and gained unique perspectives on different cultures. Delve into the specifics of these experiences and how the have shaped your character, worldview, and aspirations. A unique angle not only captures attention but also provides a deeper insight into who you are beyond your academic achievements and extracurricular activities.

Consider how your unique angle aligns with the values and culture of the colleges you are applying to. Research each institution and identify aspects of their mission or community that resonate with your personal story. By doing this, you can tailor your essay to highlight how your unique perspective and experiences make you a perfect fit for their campus. This approach not only demonstrates your genuine interest in the college but also shows that you have thoughtfully considered how you will contribute to and benefit from their community. By strategically aligning your unique angle with the college’s values, you create a more compelling and personalized narrative that can set your application apart from the rest.

Step Four: Create an Outline

An outline is a valuable tool to organize your thoughts and structure your essay. Start with an introduction that grabs the reader’s attention, followed by body paragraphs that develop your story or argument, and conclude with a strong closing that leaves a lasting impression. Outlining helps ensure your essay flows logically and stays focused on the prompt. It acts as a roadmap, guiding you through the writing process and preventing you from veering off course. Begin by jotting down your main ideas and arranging them in a logical order. Consider what points are most important and how you can best illustrate them with specific examples and details.

Creating an outline also allows you to see the big picture of your essay. You can identify where transitions are needed to connect ideas smoothly and ensure each paragraph builds on the previous one. This planning phase can also help you spot any gaps or weaknesses in your argument, giving you the chance to address them before you start writing. Additionally, an outline makes the writing process more manageable by breaking it into smaller, more focused sections. This approach can reduce the overwhelm that often accompanies essay writing and helps you stay organized and on track.