Can Tutoring Be Fun? And Other SAT Tutor News Stories

In this month’s roundup we take a look at the lighter side of tutoring – and how to get the most out of your tutor. Read on!
Test Tutoring the Fun Way
Who says preparing for an exam has to be boring? The founder of Catalyst Prep says it doesn’t have to be. His quest to find a better way to prepare for exams has led him to great success.
Wouldn’t studying be more enjoyable with a little added fun and humor? You can learn more about this new approach to tutoring in the Las Vegas Sun. The article covers information about the creator, provides course information and even includes tips to get you started.
How can You Find a Good Face-to-Face Tutor?
Let's face it: Even on the days when you're feeling self-confident, applying for college is stressful. Aside from tutors, recruiters, and the occasional admissions essay, there are the actual SAT and ACT tests you have to take!
It can be difficult to tend to your last year (or semester) of school and still tackle all of the above. Add a busy after-school schedule to that and it is difficult to manage your time!
Finding a tutor may be just what you need to help relieve some of the stress of test preparation. There are a variety of options to choose from, and no single option is best for everybody. Find tips and pointers from a recent article about college admissions tutoring at the Scarsdale Community Corner.
School Stops Math Tests, Focuses on Tenacity---Another View of Test Prep
“We've been recognizing the wrong skills in our children,” says author Paul Tough. “[We've been] using the wrong strategies to develop those skills.”
Mr. Tough welded his comments to a recent announcement by Principal Mary Burke that her school—St. Anthony of Padua school in Camden, NJ—will no longer be concerning themselves with standardized testing.
It's a trend that Burke, Philidelphia School District Superintendent William Hite, and Tough all feel strongly about.
According to Tough's book How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and The Hidden Power of Character, some of the biggest predictors of success are persistence, passion, and the ability to come back from failure and try again.
Superintendent Hite's most recent action plan included “cultivating academic tenacity” as a major goal for the city public district over the next several years. And more and more educators are beginning to focus on these types of untaught (or unintentionally taught) skills in the classroom.
How important are these traits, and how can they be taught? Read the discussion at
How to Get the Most Out of Your Tutor
Online tutoring for the ACT and SAT is a great way to go. But many students still want to meet up “in real life” with someone to help (although many are satisfied with their online experience).
If you do meet up with your tutor, what should you expect—and what should you not expect? How can you make the relationship work better in order to make the best use of your own time, and make the best score on your test?
Find out how to get the most out of tutoring in this community news post from the Phoenix, AZ metro area.
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