ACT and SAT Online Prep – Why Personalization is Best

Everyone likes the personal touch, when something is made especially for them. For students studying for the ACT and SAT, here are the top 5 reasons why personalized online test prep is definitely best.
- Individual learning styles
Research has consistently shown that we all learn in unique ways. These unique learning patterns are the basis of many (old and) new educational methods and philosophies. ACT and SAT online test preparation courses are meeting students study needs where they are and in the ways that they need most. This approach increases students’ chances of successfully learning and completing course work, while naturally inspiring their learning process.
- Specialized instruction methods
Because students have different learning methods, they also have individual methods of studying, reading and processing the information they are learning. A personalized ACT test prep program or SAT test prep program can be crafted to use specialized methods built to address students’ aptitudes. Skills such as reading and comprehension are common (and especially important) categories where many students benefit from specialized study techniques that improve their test taking skills. For others, specialized math instruction may be very helpful.
- Personalized Scheduling - Timing is Everything
When and where to study are two monumentally important questions for students to consider. Some students thrive studying in the comfort of their own homes, at anytime of the day or night. Other students may truly benefit from studying in libraries, classrooms or other more formal settings during regular business hours. Personalized ACT online prep courses and SAT online prep courses can meet students where they are, and at the time they are able to truly focus and study.
- Ownership
When something is our own, created for us or by us, we tend to take more responsibility for it. This benefits students because they are more likely to stick with something that they have helped build. Ownership of their ACT and SAT prep can be very important to their follow through as well. For example, if students are seeking to improve their test scores by a particular number of points, this ownership process can help them establish, assess and track those goals more clearly, from the beginning to the end of the process. This can become their online test prep course, and, as a result, inspire improved performance.
- Flexibility
Flexibility is crucial in our ever changing world. This may be the most important aspect of personalized test prep. A personalized online program can move fluidly with students changing or emerging needs, schedules and goals. They can easily adapt their test prep process, making the changes (and improvements) to the methods they are using, to the scheduled time they are studying and even to their focus areas of study. This kind of flexibility benefits everyone, and the overall test preparation process itself. Personalized online ACT and SAT test preparation is a real benefit for students.