3 Reasons to Choose ACT Prep Online

Increasingly, students are finding it more convenient to do their ACT prep online. The fact that they don’t have to fit an ACT class into their already packed schedule, that they can study whenever is good for them, and that they can work at their own pace are all reasons students cite when asked why they prefer to do their ACT prep online.
And ACT prep online has come a long way even in just the last 3 years.
ACT course at Method Test Prep has hundreds of video explanation in which students can watch an experienced tutor solve questions step by step. This is especially helpful for math questions where it is often difficult to grasp a tough question simply by reading a step by step explanation or listening to an audio explanation.
Automated Progress Tracking
Our ACT prep online contains a vocabulary builder section which keep track of which words students have already mastered and which words they still need to practice. No more carrying around a large stack of flashcards. At any time, students can simply print the list of words they still need to memorize and the word appears on one side of the page and the definition on the other side. This way, students can take their own personal word list with them when they are not in front of the computer.
Our ACT prep online course is broken into 15 minute tasks; students can sit down for realistic chunks of time and complete a couple of tasks in the simple checklist we provide. Of course, humans don’t learn new material best when they are forced to concentrate for 2 hours at a time. ACT prep online allows students to break their learning in to shorter chunks.