What Is the ACT Verbal Score?

As you look into and study for the ACT, sometimes you might run across information about the test that’s not very clear. Unfortunately, the “verbal score” is one of these areas that’s caused a bit of confusion among students and their parents.
Colleges may be asking you to provide your math + verbal scores, or your teacher may be telling you that doing your English homework tonight will help you review for the verbal section. But there’s no “verbal” section on the ACT that you can find.
So what exactly does the verbal score consist of? Here’s what you need to know when someone asks you for your verbal score on the ACT:
- Some colleges agree that the ACT verbal score consists of the Reading Test, the English Test, and the Science Test. (In the same vein, the verbal score on the SAT includes the Reading and Writing sections.)
- Though the Writing section isn’t generally included, many schools and colleges recommend you take it, and some may even consider it a part of the verbal score.
- Learn more about what the Reading, English, and Science Tests will cover here, and make sure you study for these portions when you’re asked for your ACT verbal score.
Ultimately, your best bet to make sure you understand what the ACT verbal score will include is by asking the school or college who requested the score in the first place. They will be able to let you know exactly which portions of the ACT that will constitute the verbal score for them.
But be aware that not all schools and colleges will agree! If you’re applying to multiple universities, make sure you ask each one what their definition of the ACT verbal score is. It’s always better to be safe than sorry, and to get the best ACT verbal score possible to help you succeed in your academic career.